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“You Have Earned Our Respect,” ODM Tells Gen Z Over Demos

Nairobi Senator Edwin Sifuna and other ODM officials address the media at Capital Hill, Nairobi, on April 3, 2024. Image: Twitter

In Summary:

ODM commends youth for their role in anti-Finance Bill protests and calls for an end to police violence and arbitrary abductions.

The Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) has praised the younger generation for their remarkable efforts in organizing protests against the Finance Bill.

In a statement on Tuesday, the Raila Odinga-led party expressed admiration for the youth’s ability to mobilize and achieve significant outcomes in just a few days.

ODM highlighted the youth’s success in raising funds swiftly to cover medical expenses for those injured during the protests.

“We are in awe of the Kenyan youth who, through their unity of purpose, have stood by their injured colleagues and raised substantial amounts of money in a very short time to pay hospital bills,” said Edwin Sifuna, the party’s secretary-general.

“As a mass movement dedicated to true liberation for a long time, we understand how challenging it is to accomplish what you have done. You have earned our respect as a party, and we salute you,” he added.

The party also expressed condolences to those who lost their lives while protesting against the oppressive Finance Bill, 2024.

Additionally, ODM called for an immediate cessation of police force against peaceful demonstrators, asserting that no one should die for exercising their constitutional rights.

“As believers in the right to peaceful protests enshrined under Article 37, we condemn in the strongest terms the misuse of police power through violent suppression techniques on innocent, unarmed protesters,” the statement read.

Furthermore, the party condemned the ongoing arbitrary abductions of innocent Kenyans.

“Reports indicate that over 50 individuals have been illegally abducted, and their whereabouts are unknown,” ODM stated. “

“To make matters worse, it is evident that no one in the government is willing to take responsibility, apologize, or make amends.”