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Why I was happy when Judiciary stopped Housing Levy – MP Wamuchomba

Githunguri MP Gathoni Wamuchomba at a previous event. Advocating for constituents and celebrating the Judiciary’s stand against the Housing Levy. PHOTO | COURTESY

In Summary:

  • MP Wamuchomba celebrates Judiciary’s move to stop Housing Levy, citing constitutional protection and constituents’ welfare.

Githunguri MP Gathoni Wamuchomba recently shared her jubilation following the Judiciary’s decision to halt the Housing Levy deductions. Wamuchomba, known for her vocal opposition to policies she deems detrimental to her constituents, expressed her satisfaction during a televised interview on TV47.

Wamuchomba articulated her sentiments, stating, “I was one of the happiest people when I saw the Judiciary say no to House Tax. That day I was very happy. Do you know why? Because the Judiciary stood for the truth. The constitution of Kenya which we all swore to protect was defended.”

The Court of Appeal’s intervention came after the High Court declared the mandatory housing levy unconstitutional. The Court of Appeal declined to suspend orders barring the state from deducting the levy, citing the public interest in awaiting the appeal’s determination.

Reflecting on her stance against the policies of the Kenya Kwanza administration, Wamuchomba reiterated her commitment to representing her constituents’ interests. She emphasized that her opposition stemmed from her constituents’ needs, which she believed were overlooked by the government.

“I knew if I did agree with them then, there is a section of people that I represent which I felt were not going to be treated fairly,” Wamuchomba emphasized.

Her determination to advocate for her constituents is deeply rooted in her upbringing and education. Wamuchomba highlighted that her background significantly influences her actions and perspectives, surpassing political expectations.

Wamuchomba’s narrative underscores her dedication to championing the rights and interests of her constituents, even in the face of political pressure. Her celebration of the Judiciary’s decision reflects a broader commitment to justice and constitutional integrity.