Informing, Inspiring, Impacting

Wanjigi Supports Raila’s Plea for Protests Against Soaring Living Costs

Businessman Jimi Wanjigi wholeheartedly endorses Raila Odinga’s call for demonstrations, citing constitutional rights, expressing worry over escalating national debt, and urging a revolution to avoid financial crisis.

Entrepreneur Jimi Wanjigi fervently supports Raila Odinga’s initiative to stage protests addressing the rising cost of living.

He declares, “I stand behind him (Odinga) completely. Street demonstrations, deeply ingrained in our Constitution, must convey the pain we feel—on the streets, in our homes, in our churches—because our government appears unresponsive.”

Wanjigi articulates deep apprehension about the nation’s economic condition, emphasizing a substantial surge in the national debt.

He implores fellow Kenyans to grasp the gravity of the situation, advocating for nothing short of a revolution to confront the impending crisis.

In a developing storyline;

Wamalwa Responds to Kalonzo’s Decision Against Backing Raila in 2027

Eugene Wamalwa reacts to Kalonzo Musyoka’s choice not to support Raila Odinga in 2027, highlighting Azimio’s democratic essence and the coalition’s encouragement of members expressing their presidential aspirations.

Former Defense Cabinet Secretary Eugene Wamalwa breaks his silence after Kalonzo Musyoka’s announcement of not supporting Raila Odinga in the 2027 presidential race.

Wamalwa acknowledges Kalonzo’s aspirations, stating, “I heard Kalonzo yesterday announcing his ambitions; soon you will be hearing that Wamalwa also wants to be president. We do not know whether Mzee Raila will also want to contest in 2027.”

Wamalwa underscores the democratic foundation of Azimio, emphasizing the coalition’s mechanisms allowing members to articulate their presidential ambitions.

He assures that, at the opportune moment, the coalition will use proper channels to democratically select its candidate, be it Wamalwa, Kalonzo, or Raila.

The former cabinet secretary reaffirms the commitment to an inclusive and equitable process within the coalition.