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Showdown Looms as Kenyans Prepare to Occupy Parliament Over Finance Bill

Image file of civil society members staging a protest outside Parliament on June 6, 2024, against the finance bill.

In Summary:

  • Kenyans are mobilizing for a protest at Parliament against the Finance Bill, 2024.

  • A strong majority opposes the bill’s new taxes, rallying under ‘Reject Finance Bill’ on social media.

As Parliament gears up to debate and vote on the contentious Finance Bill, 2024 this Tuesday, Kenyans are making preparations for a sit-in at Parliament buildings to vehemently oppose the proposed new taxes.

Utilizing social media platforms, disgruntled citizens are uniting under the hashtag ‘Reject Finance Bill‘, aiming to raise awareness and garner support for their planned occupation of Parliament on the day of the debate.

A prominent poster circulating online urges, “Citizens, rise against overtaxation. Reject Finance Bill 2024.”

After concluding public hearings on the proposed taxes on Tuesday, the National Assembly’s Finance Committee convened on Wednesday to draft a report on the Bill, which they plan to present in Parliament next Tuesday.

Meanwhile, organizers of the occupy Parliament movement are rallying fellow citizens to ensure their voices are heard during the MPs’ deliberations and subsequent vote on the bill.

Anticipating potential police intervention, they advise participants to come prepared with placards, handkerchiefs, and water bottles for protection against potential tear gas during the protest.

“We shall assemble to vigilantly observe the parliamentary vote at 2:30 pm. IG Koome is expected to deploy police for our protection, respecting our constitutional right to protest,” they declared.

On social media platforms, activists are actively petitioning MPs to reject the bill once it reaches the parliamentary floor, emphasizing the MPs’ duty to represent the interests of the people.

“We entrusted you with our votes to safeguard our interests. We vehemently oppose this punitive bill. Please vote against it,” urged Timothy Kioko, directing his plea to Embakasi East MP James Mawathe.