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Senate Defends Protesters: Urges Govt to Waive Hospital Bills and Defray Funeral Expenses

The Kenyan Senate. IMAGE: Senate Of Kenya

In Summary:

1) The Senate calls for the waiver of hospital bills and coverage of funeral expenses for protest victims.

2) Senators recognize protesters’ concerns and demand action on corruption, economic issues, and police conduct.

The Senate has urged the government to waive hospital bills for those injured and cover funeral expenses for those who died during recent anti-government protests.

In a Tuesday order paper, the Senate acknowledged the public’s concerns about corruption, impunity, and incompetence in state and public offices.

Protesters also highlighted issues such as the extravagant lifestyles of public officials, unemployment, and the high cost of living, which the Senate recognized as significant problems affecting the nation’s economy.

The Senate expressed concern over the loss of lives, injuries, and property damage resulting from the demonstrations.

The Senate called on all government entities, including ministries, departments, agencies, and constitutional commissions, to implement austerity measures in their operations.

The oversight body urged the Anti-Graft Commission to intensify its efforts in combating corruption.

“We call upon the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) and other relevant agencies in governance, justice, law, and order to enhance their efforts to fight corruption,” the order paper stated.

The Senate also appealed to the National Police Service (NPS) to stop abductions, unlawful arrests, and extrajudicial killings, and to exercise restraint when dealing with peaceful and unarmed demonstrators.

Additionally, they requested the release of all individuals arrested for organizing and participating in peaceful protests related to the Finance Bill.

Furthermore, the Senate called on the Judiciary to expedite all cases arising from the protests.

“The Judiciary should prioritize and expedite all court cases related to the enactment of the Finance Bill and the subsequent demonstrations,” the order paper read.

The Senate acknowledged the various challenges faced by the country and committed to making necessary recommendations to address them.