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Raila Odinga’s Potential Powers and Salary if Elected AU Chairperson

Azimio Party leader Raila Odinga shares a lighthearted moment with former Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo after a press conference in Karen, Nairobi, on Thursday, February 15, 2024. PHOTO |COURTESY

In Summary:

  • Raila Odinga’s bid for the African Union (AU) Chairperson position could grant him significant authority and a monthly salary of Ksh2.4 million (US$15,576.75) alongside other benefits.

Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga stands to gain substantial authority and financial benefits if elected as the African Union (AU) Chairperson.

As outlined by the AU mandate, the AU Chairperson enjoys numerous responsibilities, including overseeing the administration and enforcement of AU policies and preparing the Union’s budget.

In addition to diplomatic duties, such as representing AU interests globally, the Chairperson chairs and sets the agenda for the African Union Commission (AUC), and oversees key appointments within the Commission.

“The Chairperson is mandated to facilitate the functioning, decision-making and reporting of all AU organ meetings, and ensure conformity and harmony with agreed AU policies, strategies, programmes and projects. Other mandates include consulting and coordinating with Member States’ governments, other institutions and the Regional Economic Communities (RECs) on the AU’s activities, and carry out the AU’s diplomatic representations,” read the AU mandate in part.

Raila, if elected, would also receive AU treaties and legal instruments, while being answerable to Heads of State and required to provide reports for decision-making purposes.

Moreover, the AU Chairperson receives a monthly salary of Ksh2.4 million, a rental budget of USD6,000, and other benefits, including a spouse allowance and full tuition for dependent children studying outside Europe and North America.

Raila has declared his candidacy and garnered support from former Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo. To secure the position, he will need backing from President Ruto and support from leaders across the continent.

If successful, Raila will serve a four-year term, succeeding Moussa Faki Mahamat.