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Raila Disputes Allegations of Opposition Sleeping on its Job: Sets the Record Straight

Raila Odinga, leader of the Azimio La Umoja Coalition Party, refutes claims of opposition dormancy, asserting ongoing activism. In an exclusive interview, he challenges allegations, highlights key concerns, and demands accountability.

In a recent interview with Citizen TV on December 27, 2023, Raila Odinga, the influential leader of the Azimio La Umoja Coalition Party, took a firm stand against accusations that the opposition has been inactive during challenging economic times. Dismissing claims of the opposition “sleeping on its job,” Raila candidly addressed the ongoing efforts and advocacy of his political faction.

Raila countered allegations by emphasizing the significant progress made by the opposition. He specifically addressed concerns such as the oil scandal and corruption in the country, vehemently rejecting the notion of silence on matters crucial to Kenyans.

Reflecting on the current state of the nation, Raila conveyed a sense of shared betrayal felt by both the opposition and ordinary citizens. He shed light on demands made during the National Dialogue, citing resistance and arrogance faced from their counterparts in the Kenya Kwanza faction.

The ODM leader underscored the opposition’s plea for remedial measures to alleviate the burdens on Kenyans, with a particular emphasis on reducing taxation to alleviate the cost of living. Raila criticized the government’s handling of the economic challenges, calling for decisive actions to address the citizens’ suffering.

In response to claims of a surge in public debt during the handshake period, Raila clarified that he was not part of the former government. He questioned the credibility of those who criticized the government they once served, challenging them to account for their actions during their tenure.

Raila Odinga’s bold stance in this interview provides a compelling narrative, debunking allegations of opposition inactivity and presenting a robust defense of ongoing advocacy efforts. His message resonates with a call for accountability and responsiveness to the pressing issues facing the nation.