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Video: Sakaja Forced to Flee Toi Market after Angry Residents Pelt Him with Stones

Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja’s security team shields him as he is pelted with stones at Toi Market on August 3, 2024. IMAGE: Screengrab

In Summary:

  • Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja was forced to flee Toi Market after angry residents pelted him with stones during his visit following a devastating fire.
  • The fire, believed to be caused by an electrical fault, destroyed property and claimed four lives, marking another incident in a series of fires that have plagued the market.

On Saturday, August 3, Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja’s visit to Toi Market in Kibera ended abruptly due to a hostile reception from local residents.

The governor had come to assess the damage caused by a fire that broke out in the early hours of the same day, destroying property and claiming four lives.

The fire, reportedly caused by an electrical fault, left traders counting significant losses. It was one of seven fires that occurred across the city on Friday evening, according to Sakaja.

The county fire department arrived later to extinguish the blaze, but not before it had caused extensive damage.

During his visit, Sakaja faced unexpected hostility from the crowd. A video circulated online showing the governor surrounded by his aides as stones were hurled in their direction.

The situation quickly escalated, forcing Sakaja and his entourage to make a hasty retreat to their vehicles.

Despite the chaotic end to his visit, Sakaja later portrayed the tour as successful on social media.

He stated, “We visited traders affected by fire incidents at Toi Market and later at Umoja 2. Poleni sana to all affected, and condolences to the bereaved. Sadly, we lost four souls in the Toi inferno.”

He also added, “Nothing would stop us from supporting our people,” in response to his detractors.

Sakaja promised support for the affected traders, including help in rebuilding their stalls, and assistance for the bereaved families.

He noted, “Seven fires razed seven spots in the city on Friday evening.”

This incident highlights the recurring problem of fires at Toi Market. In June of the previous year, another fire caused millions of shillings worth of damage. Some witnesses attributed that fire to an electrical fault, while others suspected arson.

Videos from that incident showed traders, especially women, wailing as they helplessly watched their investments burn to the ground.

The frequent fires have left traders at Toi Market in a constant state of vulnerability, with many losing their livelihoods repeatedly.

As investigations into the latest fire continue, questions remain about how to prevent such incidents in the future and how to better protect the market and its traders.