Was Ruto’s victory in the 2022 elections fair? Results of a recent poll reveal.
On March 16, Mizani African released poll findings on whether President William Ruto's 2022 general election victory was fair or not.
On March 16, Mizani African released poll findings on whether President William Ruto's 2022 general election victory was fair or not.
Mizani African conducted a nationwide poll to determine whether Kenyans think President Ruto was fairly elected.
As part of a Mizani African survey, Kenyans were asked to respond to a question with three possible answers: Yes, No, and I Don't Know.
Question posed to the targeted sample: "Do you believe that President William won the 2022 presidential election fair and square?"
Only 29% of those surveyed, according to Mizani African, believed that President Ruto did not win the race fairly and squarely, wh...