Informing, Inspiring, Impacting

Another County Bans Distribution & Sale of Muguka

Muguka leaves. IMAGE FILE

In Summary:

  • Kilifi County Governor Gideon Mung’aro has imposed a ban on the transportation, distribution, and sale of Muguka.
  • This follows a similar executive order by Mombasa Governor Abdulswamad Nassir.

Kilifi County Governor Gideon Mung’aro announced a comprehensive ban on Muguka on Friday, prohibiting its transportation, distribution, and sale within the county.

In his statement, Governor Mung’aro ordered the immediate closure of all retail and wholesale outlets selling or distributing Muguka.

He also declared that vehicles transporting Muguka would be denied entry into Kilifi County.

“Executive Order No. 1 of 2024 on the ban of entry, transportation, distribution, sale, and use of Muguka within Kilifi County. In the exercise of the powers conferred in Section 30(2)(1) of the County Government Act and all other enabling laws of Kenya,” the governor announced.

This move comes after Mombasa Governor Abdulswamad Nassir issued an executive order banning the sale, supply, and consumption of khat, popularly known as Muguka, across Mombasa County.

Nassir made the decree on Thursday at Port Reitz Hospital, Mombasa, highlighting the pervasive consumption of the stimulant drug at the Coast, including among school-going children.

A screen grab of a video of Mombasa Governor Abdulswamad Nassir speaking to journalists at Port Reitz Hospital on May 23, 2024. IMAGE | Courtesy

Following the decision to ban Muguka, Kilifi County departments and their agencies were directed to enforce the order and ensure compliance.

“In light of the above order, I therefore, with immediate effect, issue a directive to all Kilifi County enforcement officers through the Directorate of Enforcement to ensure the order is enforced in totality,” Governor Mung’aro directed.

He warned that any officer found colluding with offenders would face legal consequences and disciplinary actions.