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Amidst Stormy Seas: Meru County’s Latest Opinion Poll Highlights Governor Kawira Mwangaza’s Challenging Path

A recent opinion poll conducted by the independent body Mizani Africa unveils potential hurdles for Meru County Governor Kawira Mwangaza. The survey indicates that, if elections were held today, 52.9% of voters are hesitant about her return. The findings extend to Members of County Assembly, with 52% expressing reluctance to re-elect them if the government were dissolved. This article explores the Mizani Africa survey results, emphasizing the importance of civic engagement in understanding the diverse opinions shaping Meru County’s political landscape.

In a recent opinion poll released by Mizani Africa, Meru County Governor Kawira Mwangaza faces potential challenges as 52.9% of voters express hesitancy about her return if elections were held today. Conducted independently, this survey sheds light on the sentiments of Meru County residents regarding their current leadership.

The Mizani Africa survey delves into public opinion on the potential re-election of Governor Mwangaza and Members of County Assembly (MCAs) if the government were dissolved today. According to the findings, 39.6% of voters would be willing to vote Governor Mwangaza back into office, while 7.5% remain undecided. Similarly, 43.3% of voters express a willingness to re-elect their current MCAs, with 4.7% remaining indifferent.

These insights are crucial, especially amidst ongoing efforts to collect signatures for a petition to dissolve the county and initiate fresh elections. Governor Mwangaza had previously endorsed this initiative, advocating for a reset in county leadership.

Governor Mwangaza, who has faced two impeachment motions, navigates a complex political landscape, with the county assembly actively debating a motion targeting key figures in her administration.

The Mizani Africa survey also provides a nuanced view, highlighting varying sentiments across Meru County’s constituencies. In Tigania West, 62.5% of voters are ready to re-elect Governor Kawira, while 25% would reject her comeback, leaving 12.5% undecided.

Contrastingly, in Tigania East, 75% of voters believe Governor Kawira Mwangaza should not be given another chance, with only 16.7% in favor of her re-election and 8.3% yet to decide.

In South Imenti, the majority of voters (55.6%) would reject Governor Kawira Mwangaza’s re-election bid, with only 44.4% in support.

These findings from the Mizani Africa survey underscore the dynamic opinions shaping Meru County’s political future. It is important to note that this is an opinion poll, not an election, emphasizing the need for civic engagement and informed decision-making.


  1. Is the Mizani Africa survey an election or an opinion poll?
  • The Mizani Africa survey is an independent opinion poll, providing insights into the sentiments of Meru County residents regarding Governor Kawira Mwangaza and Members of County Assembly.
  1. What does the survey reveal about Governor Kawira Mwangaza’s potential re-election if the County Government of Meru is dissolved today?
  • The survey indicates that 52.9% of voters are hesitant about re-electing Governor Kawira Mwangaza if elections were held today.
  1. Are there regional variations in the survey results?
  • Yes, the survey highlights varying sentiments across constituencies in Meru County, emphasizing the diverse opinions of voters in Tigania West, Tigania East, and South Imenti.