Informing, Inspiring, Impacting

A man asked that his parents and family not attend his funeral after abandoning him during a difficult time due to cancer. His wife narrates.

In summary:

• Ann describes how his husband’s parents and family abandoned him after he was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer.

• Before he died, his husband told his parents not to attend his burial because they had abandoned him.

• She encourages all parents not to abandon their children, since children adore them.

Her husband contacted his mother and informed her that they should not attend his funeral because they had all abandoned his family.

Ann Njeri described in pain what her spouse said to her in-laws during his final days on earth. After he was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, his parents and relatives abandoned him when he needed them the most.

They didn’t welcome Ann when she married, according to Ann. They tried to persuade their son to divorce her, but he refused to listen. The in-laws became enraged and despised their son and his family as a result of this.

They had three children together, but he became ill and was in and out of the hospital. The specialists informed them it was just a growth that would go away in a few weeks.

They returned to the hospital because that did not happen.

It was late this time because the doctors ran some tests and learned he had stage 4 cancer. They recommended his wife not to tell him about the cancer stage because he might have died sooner.

Ann alerted her in-laws about his son’s illness, but they told her they were too busy planting food in the village. Her heart was broken, but she refused to give up on her spouse.

The doctors advised her that there was nothing they could do to help him and that she should take him home. The children were frightened by seeing their father in such distress. 

Ann’s Inlaws insulted her and urged her not to call them again when she called them the second time.

Her husband contacted his mother and informed her that they should not attend his funeral because they had all abandoned his family.

He also claimed that he would prefer to be buried in Lang’ata cementry rather than his parents’ house.

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They have never called Ann to inquire about where their son was buried or how their children were doing, according to Ann.

She has counselled parents to accept their daughter-in-laws since children miss their parents’ love and youngsters adore their parents unconditionally.

You may learn more about this story by clicking HERE.

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