The inspirational and moving tale of After nearly 50 years of trying to conceive, including three unsuccessful IVF attempts, a 68-year-old woman in Nigeria gave birth to twins.
Together with her 77-year-old husband Noah, Margaret Adenuga spent 46 years attempting to conceive. The couple also tried three unsuccessful times to conceive using in-vitro fertilization.
But when the woman became pregnant and gave birth to twins, all their preparation and waiting was for naught.
The Nigerian woman who gave birth to the 68-year-old was the oldest first-time mother in South Africa at the time.
Noah, her husband, was ecstatic about the twins’ arrival. The couple struggled emotionally and financially while trying to conceive.
They moved to different cities and countries in search of a solution but were unsuccessful. The babies were finally delivered via Csarean at Lagos University Teaching Hospital.
This couple’s fourth IVF cycle was successful, leading to the birth of their twins.
“I am a dreamer, and I was convinced that this particular dream of ours will come true,” Noah said to a media source.
Dr. Adeyemi Okunowo delivered their infants.
Given Margaret’s advanced age and the high risk associated with this pregnancy, the doctor also assembled a specialized team to oversee the pregnancy.
“We were able to control her pregnancy to term despite the fact that she was an elderly woman, a first-time mother, and at high risk for complications” Doctor stated.
Following their marriage in 1974, the couple first started trying to have a child.
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