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Pregnant Woman Abandoned by Husband for Ex: Family Grapples with Betrayal

An online user seeks advice after discovering her brother’s betrayal of his pregnant wife, sparking an emotional discussion on r/relationship_advice. Netizens have poured into the comments section, offering their advice. IMAGE: Screenshot /flyingpigs1423.

In Summary:

  1. A pregnant woman is devastated after her husband reconnects with an ex-girlfriend.
  2. The husband lied about a spiritual retreat to meet his ex.
  3. The wife, expecting twins, has the support of her sister-in-law, who is considering cutting ties with her brother

A heart-wrenching story has emerged from Reddit’s r/relationship_advice subreddit, where a 31-year-old pregnant woman is facing immense betrayal from her husband.

Married for just 1.5 years and expecting twins, she discovered her husband had been cheating with an ex-girlfriend, whom he reconnected with behind her back.

The husband fabricated an elaborate lie about going on a spiritual ayahuasca retreat over Mother’s Day weekend. In reality, he used this as a cover to meet his former lover, Hannah.


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The revelation came to light after his pregnant wife, identified through her sister-in-law’s post as SIL, noticed suspicious behavior and uncovered the truth.

“My SIL is an emotional wreck,” recounted the sister-in-law on Reddit. “She’s eight months pregnant and found out her husband is planning to buy an engagement ring for his ex while maxing out their joint credit cards.”

This betrayal has left the wife devastated and in urgent need of support. Her sister-in-law, torn between family loyalty and moral responsibility, is considering severing ties with her brother.

“He’s been isolating himself and acting like the victim, blaming his wife for everything,” she shared.

Family members suspect the husband might be experiencing a manic bipolar episode, but many, including online commenters, believe this behavior is premeditated.

One commenter, @lexisplays, stated, “This isn’t a manic episode. This is a long con. Your brother knew exactly what he was doing.”

A Reddit user seeks advice after discovering her brother’s betrayal of his pregnant wife, sparking an emotional discussion on r/relationship_advice. IMAGE: Screenshot /flyingpigs1423

Reddit users overwhelmingly advised supporting the pregnant wife.

@Sensitive-World7272 said, “Just be there for your SIL. She’s going to need it. There isn’t anything you can do for your brother until he reaches bottom.”

Another user, @Secret_Double_9239, emphasized the importance of emotional support, noting, “She is pregnant with twins and her whole world has crashed around her. She is going to need help, not just with the babies but also emotionally.”

As the due date for the twins approaches, the sister-in-law remains committed to providing unwavering support for the expectant mother.

In a poignant reflection on the situation, she noted, “Family is an earned status. Right now, my SIL and the twins are my priority.”

This distressing episode serves as a stark reminder of the complexities and fragility of modern relationships.

It highlights the importance of trust and the devastating impact its breach can have, especially during vulnerable times such as pregnancy.