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Biden Outlines Israeli Proposal for Ceasefire and Hostage Release in Gaza Conflict

In Summary:

  1. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu supports Biden’s proposal to meet Israel’s war goals.
  2. Biden’s three-phase deal aims for a permanent ceasefire and the release of all hostages.

Tel Aviv, Israel – In a pivotal move towards resolving the ongoing Mideast conflict, U.S. President Joe Biden has presented a detailed three-phase proposal designed to achieve a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and secure the release of all hostages held by Hamas.

The plan, originally set forth by Israel, aims to fulfill the country’s primary war objectives while providing a structured pathway to peace.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu leads a war cabinet meeting in Tel Aviv on the morning of April 14, 2024. IMAGE FILE | Courtesy

The announcement follows a statement by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who emphasized that ending the war without achieving Israel’s declared goals was a “non-starter.”

These goals include dismantling Hamas’s military and governance capabilities, freeing all hostages, and ensuring Gaza poses no future threat to Israel.

A senior Israeli source, as quoted by Channel 13, confirmed that Biden’s proposal aligns with these objectives, enabling Israel to demand these conditions before agreeing to a permanent ceasefire.

Biden’s plan, revealed in remarks from the White House, outlines a six-week initial phase featuring a full ceasefire and the withdrawal of Israeli forces from densely populated areas of Gaza.

In exchange, Hamas would release several hostages, including women, the elderly, and the wounded, while humanitarian aid would be significantly increased with 600 trucks entering Gaza daily.

The second phase calls for the release of all remaining hostages and a further withdrawal of Israeli forces, contingent on Hamas adhering to its commitments.

The final phase focuses on the extensive reconstruction of Gaza, aimed at rebuilding the war-torn territory. Biden highlighted that this proposal is a “road map to an enduring ceasefire and the release of all hostages.”

The proposal has prompted varied reactions within Israel’s political and military leadership. Reports indicate that despite initial resistance, Netanyahu has reluctantly endorsed the ceasefire language included in the deal.

Some Israeli officials expressed frustration over the perceived lack of communication from the White House regarding the specifics of Biden’s speech.

However, a senior source indicated that the U.S. has clarified its stance, making it clear that Israel must decide whether to accept the deal and bear the consequences of any rejection.

In his address, Biden underscored the necessity for both sides to commit to the plan, urging Israelis to back the proposal and stressing that Hamas must prove its sincerity in seeking a ceasefire.

He acknowledged the challenges ahead, noting that negotiations will need to address complex details, including the ratio of hostages to prisoners to be exchanged.

Meanwhile, congressional leaders have invited Netanyahu to address the U.S. Capitol, reflecting ongoing diplomatic efforts to navigate the conflict.

Despite internal and international pressures, Israel remains steadfast in its goal to defeat Hamas militarily and politically, as echoed in Netanyahu’s commitment to achieving all war objectives before concluding hostilities.

The ongoing conflict, which began after Hamas’s October 7 attack on Israel, has resulted in significant casualties and widespread destruction in Gaza.

As the international community watches closely, Biden’s proposal represents a critical juncture in the quest for lasting peace in the region.