Informing, Inspiring, Impacting

Government Directs Residents Of Six Eastlands Estates To Vacate Immediately for Redevelopment

Addressing an event for Earth Negotiations Bulletin in June 2022, Housing Principal Secretary Charles Hinga. IMAGE | courtesy.

In Summary:

  • The Ministry of Lands, in collaboration with the Government, has instructed residents of six Government Estates in Nairobi’s Eastlands to vacate immediately for redevelopment under the Affordable Housing Program (AHP).
  • The affected estates include Jogoo Road Phase I & II, Jamaa, Mbotela, Ahero, and Mawenzi Gardens.
  • Residents must clear any outstanding rent arrears, utility bills, and service charges by April 30, 2024.

The Ministry of Lands, in conjunction with the Government, has issued a directive urging residents of six Government Estates in Nairobi’s Eastlands area to vacate their homes promptly to facilitate redevelopment under the Affordable Housing Program (AHP).

The affected estates identified for redevelopment include Jogoo Road Phase I & II, Jamaa, Mbotela, Ahero, and Mawenzi Gardens.

Residents have been directed to vacate their homes by April 30, 2024.

Additionally, they are required to settle any outstanding rent arrears, utility bills, and service charges before vacating the premises.

“As you are aware, the Government is implementing the Affordable Housing Program (AHP), which is part of the Bottom-up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA). Pursuant to this, several old estates have been identified for redevelopment in order to increase rental stock, avail houses for sale to citizens at affordable rates, and create job opportunities for the youth,” said the Ministry.

“To pave way for their redevelopment, there is need to vacate all tenants residing in these Government estates immediately,” reads the notice in part, emphasizing the urgency of the redevelopment project.

As per the announcement, residents who vacate these estates will receive priority for purchasing or renting a house once the redevelopment is finalized.