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Why Gov’t is Shifting School Fee Payments to eCitizen – Sossion Clarifies

Former KNUT Secretary General Wilson Sossion reflects on the government’s e-Citizen shift for school fees, highlighting transparency efforts. (Image: Courtesy, During a past event)

In Summary:

  • Sossion explains the government’s shift to e-Citizen for school fees, aiming to curb corruption and streamline transactions for transparency.

Former Kenyan National Union of Teachers Secretary General Wilson Sossion elucidated the rationale behind the government’s initiative to transition school fee payments to the e-Citizen platform.

In an interview, Sossion defended the move, highlighting its potential to eradicate corruption associated with cash transactions in schools. He emphasized that the e-Citizen platform aims to enhance transparency in financial operations.

“E-citizen is a general policy that the government has adopted in its accounting system, to eliminate all forms of corruption and avoid transactions using cash payments,” he asserted during a discussion on Citizen TV.

Sossion underscored the benefits of the e-Citizen platform, emphasizing its capacity to mitigate indirect charges imposed on parents by schools, particularly those related to school uniforms. He emphasized that such charges often act as barriers to accessing education.

Moreover, Sossion addressed concerns regarding the implementation process, stating that the pushback stemmed from inadequate explanation of the transition.

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Regarding revenue collection, Sossion referenced the success of the e-Citizen platform in other sectors such as the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS), where it led to increased revenue generation.

He urged Kenyans to embrace the system, emphasizing its convenience for students and parents alike. Sossion emphasized the importance of ensuring that students can access education without hindrance from indirect charges.

On January 31, 2024, Basic Education Principal Secretary Belio Kipsang issued a circular directing all national school principals to submit the institution’s bank account information to expedite the onboarding process onto the e-Citizen platform.