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Trump Dominates GOP Popularity, Biden Approval Plummets in New US Poll


Trump leads Republican contenders, while Biden faces record-low approval; poll reveals concerns about candidates’ attributes and potential general election unpopularity.If the primary season results in a Biden/Trump general election, it would signify a clash between significantly unpopular candidates, as stated in the report

A recent ABC News/Ipsos poll indicates a significant lead for Donald Trump over fellow Republican contenders, with at least 70% of GOP adults favoring him as the party’s presidential nominee. Concurrently, President Joe Biden’s approval rating has reached a historic low, with 33% approval and 58% disapproval, marking the lowest in the past 15 years.

The survey identifies Trump’s dominance on key popularity measures within the GOP. Approximately 68% of Republicans and GOP-leaning independents view Trump as the candidate with the “best chance” of winning in November.


Trump also outperforms his rivals in terms of being perceived as the “strongest leader” and the “best qualified” for the presidency. Additionally, he excels in empathy and shared values, securing the most votes for representing values and understanding problems.

However, the poll reveals an educational divide among Republicans, as those with a college degree are less likely to endorse Trump’s attributes.

Nonetheless, over 70% of Republican adults express satisfaction with Trump as the nominee, in contrast to 57% of Democrats supporting Biden.

Biden’s approval decline is evident across various demographic groups. Notably, only 31% of women approve of his performance, a sharp decrease from the 2020 figure of 57%. Black and Hispanic voters also register below-average approval ratings for Biden.

Comparing perceived qualities, Biden leads in honesty and trustworthiness, while Trump surpasses in perceived “mental sharpness” and “physical health” required for the presidency.

The report concludes that a potential Biden/Trump general election would feature markedly unpopular candidates.If the primary season results in a Biden/Trump general election, it would signify a clash between significantly unpopular candidates, as stated in the report

In-depth Insights:

  • What Propels Trump’s Lead Among Republican Contenders?

  • Trump’s substantial lead among Republican contenders can be attributed to strong support from GOP adults, with over 70% expressing satisfaction with him as the party’s nominee.

  • Which Demographic Groups Express Dissatisfaction with Biden’s Performance?

  • Dissatisfaction with Biden’s performance is evident among women, Black and Hispanic voters, with approval ratings significantly below average in these demographic categories.

  • How Do Perceptions of Honesty and Trustworthiness Differ Between Biden and Trump?

  • The poll indicates that Biden leads in perceptions of honesty and trustworthiness, with 41% describing him as such, compared to 26% for Trump. However, Trump outperforms in perceived “mental sharpness” and “physical health” needed for the presidency.