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Democrats Unveil Historic $35 Million Initiative to Woo Black, Latino, and Asian Voters in Swing States


Democrats aim to reclaim the U.S. House with a groundbreaking $35 million investment targeting voters of color. The “P.O.W.E.R. the People” initiative focuses on persuasion, organization, welcoming, education, and outreach, addressing concerns amid shifting support among minority voters.

In a significant move to secure control of the U.S. House of Representatives, Democrats have announced a landmark investment of at least $35 million for outreach to voters of color in the upcoming 2024 election cycle.

This eight-figure investment surpasses the $30 million spent during the 2022 midterm elections to attract voters from Latino, Black, Asian, and Pacific Islander/Native Hawaiian communities.

The initiative, named “P.O.W.E.R. the People,” is spearheaded by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), responsible for financing Democratic House campaigns. DCCC Chair Rep. Suzan DelBene emphasized the commitment to restoring responsible governance in the House and addressing critical issues such as lowering costs and expanding healthcare.

Voters of color have traditionally played a pivotal role in Democratic election successes, with approximately 73% of Asian, Black, and Latino voters collectively supporting President Joe Biden in 2020. However, recent years have seen a decline in Democratic support among minority voters, particularly the younger demographic.

The ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict has also raised concerns about potential political fallout among voters of color. A November poll indicated disapproval among 40% of Black voters and 50% of Hispanic voters regarding President Biden’s handling of the conflict. Cliff Albright, co-founder of the Black Voters Matter Fund, highlighted the impact of wars on presidencies, suggesting potential lasting rifts within the coalition.

Additionally, a national poll of Arab Americans revealed a substantial decrease in support for Biden in 2024 compared to 2020, potentially influencing voter turnout in swing states like Michigan, which has a significant Arab American population.

The DCCC’s comprehensive campaign will extend its focus to immigrants, featuring ads and outreach in various languages, including Hindi, Korean, Mandarin, Tagalog, Vietnamese, and Spanish.


DCCC National Engagement Director Mariafernanda Zacarias emphasized the importance of culturally inclusive outreach across various media channels.

This strategic effort is designed to target competitive battlegrounds in key regions, including New York, California, and a district in the Rio Grande Valley, aiming to reclaim territories lost to Republicans.

The Democrats’ unprecedented investment reflects a calculated approach to secure diverse voter support in crucial swing states.

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers:

Q: Why is the Democratic Party investing $35 million in outreach to voters of color?
A: The Democrats aim to regain control of the U.S. House of Representatives by addressing shifting support among voters of color, recognizing their historical significance in Democratic election victories.

Q: What does “P.O.W.E.R. the People” stand for?
A: The acronym represents the key elements of the Democratic initiative: persuade, organize, welcome, educate, and reach.

Q: How will the Democrats address concerns about their handling of the Israel-Hamas conflict?
A: The party acknowledges concerns and seeks to engage in ongoing outreach efforts, emphasizing responsible governance and addressing critical issues to regain voter confidence.

Q: Which states and regions are the Democrats targeting in this initiative?
A: The Democrats are strategically focusing on competitive battlegrounds in New York, California, and a district in the Rio Grande Valley, regions crucial for reclaiming territories lost to Republicans.