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Archbishop Kivuva’s Unique Take on Blessing Same-Sex Couples: Nurturing Understanding and Compassion

Archbishop Kivuva explains that blessing same-sex couples is about fostering empathy, not endorsing their lifestyle, amid Vatican’s controversial approval.

Mombasa Catholic Archbishop Martin Kivuva has offered a distinctive perspective on Pope Francis’s recent authorization for Roman Catholic priests to bless same-sex couples. While the Vatican’s approval generated discord within the Kenyan Catholic clergy, Archbishop Kivuva addressed the issue during a press conference at the Holy Ghost Cathedral in Mombasa.

In response to the controversy, Archbishop Kivuva emphasized that Pope Francis’s message aimed to promote inclusivity within the church, even for individuals whose lifestyles deviate from traditional doctrine. He clarified that while the Catholic Church would not perform same-sex marriages, it encourages followers to embrace and support the LGBTQ+ community, helping them lead “God-fearing lives.”

The Archbishop asserted, “We can’t judge anyone but cannot say we want to marry them in church.” He highlighted that blessing same-sex couples, in this context, does not signify an endorsement of same-sex marriage but rather an expression of acceptance and a desire to guide individuals towards what is perceived as a righteous path.

Acknowledging the Vatican’s document, which reiterated the Catholic Church’s longstanding position on marriage as between a man and a woman, Archbishop Kivuva stressed that the blessing should not be confused with the ceremonies of a civil union. He emphasized that the church’s role is to bless minds, not lifestyles, urging people to embrace others without passing judgment.

The controversy surrounding the Vatican’s decision continues within the Kenyan Catholic clergy, with Nairobi Archbishop Philip Anyolo expressing opposition. However, Archbishop Kivuva, also the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB) chairperson, highlighted the importance of understanding the broader pastoral meaning of blessings, emphasizing that bestowing blessings does not equate to endorsing immoral behavior.

In a statement, KCCB asserted that the Vatican’s document broadens the scope of church blessings, providing an innovative contribution to pastoral practices. Archbishop Kivuva clarified that the church’s blessings do not condone or approve of any immoral actions but rather serve as invocations to God for guidance and support, reflecting a nuanced and compassionate stance.