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Kalonzo Seeks Clarity on Wamalwa’s Stance on NADCO Report


Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka expresses puzzlement over Eugene Wamalwa’s rejection of the National Dialogue Committee (NADCO) report, highlighting conflicting perspectives on crucial issues, including the high cost of living.

In a recent interview with TV 47, Kalonzo Musyoka, the leader of the Wiper party, voiced his confusion over the divergent stance taken by DAP-K leader Eugene Wamalwa regarding the National Dialogue Committee (NADCO) report. The report, a product of bipartisan talks, has become a focal point of contention between the political leaders.

Kalonzo, who led the Azimio team during the bipartisan talks, expressed his desire for Wamalwa to clarify the reasons behind his refusal to sign the NADCO report. Despite agreements within the Azimio team to oppose specific issues, Kalonzo emphasizes that their disagreement was not a wholesale rejection of the entire report.

“So I think Eugene had his reasons. He will still explain to me because I did not understand them,” Kalonzo stated during the interview, emphasizing the need for transparency and coherence within the bipartisan discussions.

Eugene Wamalwa, who was part of the bipartisan team, took a strong stance against the NADCO report, asserting that it failed to adequately address the pressing issue of the high cost of living. Furthermore, he declared his refusal to accept any sitting allowance associated with the matter.

Commenting on the challenges faced during the talks, Kalonzo mentioned their attempts to address the issue of the high cost of living. However, he noted the unyielding stance of the ruling party: “We tried to deliberate on the issue but our counterparts were not getting it. They said ‘we are in power.'”

The jointly signed report by Kalonzo and National Assembly Majority Leader proposed recommendations on various issues raised by both political factions. However, NADCO publicly acknowledged its failure to reach a consensus on the critical matter of the cost of living. The report highlighted the inability to agree on Azimio’s concerns, including tax issues, the finance act, and the Housing Levy. Key proposals, such as reducing VAT on fuel and scrapping the housing levy, remained unresolved.

As Kalonzo seeks clarification and understanding, the divergent views within the bipartisan talks underscore the complexities surrounding critical issues affecting the nation. The political landscape remains dynamic, with the challenge of finding common ground on significant matters such as the cost of living.