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Brand New Lorry Crashes in an accident near Oyugis Town, driver suffers minor injuries

The lorry crashed near Oyugis town in Homa bay county. (Photo-Courtesy)

The driver attempted to maintain control of the vehicle, but it shifted to the opposite side of the road and hit a bodaboda rider.

A lorry driver suffered minor injuries after the lorry he was driving lost control and crashed in Oyugis town in Homa Bay county.

Witnesses who observed the tragedy stated the brand new lorry was travelling towards Oyugis town from the general direction of Kisumu.

“The vehicle almost hit me. I was very lucky to escape being run over,” Felix Okoth, a witness to the event, stated.

“The driver lost control some few metres from Oyugis town. He tried to steady the vehicle, but it shifted to the other side of the road where it hit a bodaboda rider,” Felix Okoth explained.

Later, the lorry would crash into two side-by-side shops before coming to a stop.

“A child who was standing near one of the shops escaped by a whisker after dodging the lorry,” Okoth stated

Oyugis police officers arrived on the scene in time to keep things calm and arrange for the tow lorry.

The boda boda rider was taken urgently to the Oyugis town’s Evans clinic.

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