Informing, Inspiring, Impacting

Kalonzo,Gedion Moi and Andrew Sunkuli Intensifies Vote hunting in Ukambani.

Today in Kitui and Machakos, Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka commenced his two-day AZIMIO la Umoja One Kenya campaigns.

Before heading to Machakos, the team, which comprised Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka, senator Gedion Moi, Senator Wambua, MP Irene Kasalu, and MP Vethi Nyenze, as well as Kitui Governor Aspirant, Dr Malombe and Andrew Sunkuli, landed in Ikanga and Matinyani earlier today.

During the tour, Mr. Musyoka challenged Kitui residents to vote six-piece in favour of Wiper candidates.

He promoted Raila Odinga’s presidential campaign, claiming that the Azimio candidate was the best bet for the region in the August 9 polls.