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7 Minutes sex risks your health – Gynecologist reveals.

Dr. Benedict Afari, a gynecologist at the Ga East Hospital, has advised men not to engage in sexual activity for longer than seven minutes.

Dr. Afari claims that if you engage in sexual activity for more than 30 to 60 minutes, you put yourself in danger.

According to the gynecologist, having sex for more than 30 to 60 minutes puts people’s lives in danger rather than improving them.

He said it would be better to have longer foreplay than longer-than-seven-minute sex in an interview with Rainbow radio.

“Having sex for extended periods of time has no advantages. Studies show that the ideal length of sex is between five and seven minutes.”

“It is recommended that the piercing last for seven minutes. The foreplay, though, might continue. Such behaviors would result in serious repercussions for those who engage in the sex, he emphasized.”

He claimed that having sex strengthens the bond between partners and advances the psychological and physical health of those who partake in it, among other advantages.

He added that it is an activity that can aid in calorie burning.

In a different story, research indicates that in order to maintain sober sex, it is best to avoid alcohol prior to having sex.

Why engage in sober sex?

Having sober sex has numerous advantages for your body and mind.

1) You interact more

You establish a deeper emotional and physical connection with your partner when you don’t use alcohol.

Some claim that having sex while sober not only strengthens their relationship with their partner but also gives them more confidence to express their desires in bed.

2) Physical advantages

You might feel more physically attracted to your partner after one or two drinks, but the feeling typically passes quickly.

Alcohol actually has a depressive effect on the central nervous system, which reduces orgasmic potential and feelings of attraction. Drinking can also make erections difficult and lead to dryness in the vagina, which can make sex uncomfortable or even painful.

Sober sex allows you to experience everything more fully, which improves the experience for both you and your partner.

3) You are capable of making wiser choices.

Alcohol can impair your judgment, making it possible for you to have sex with someone you didn’t really want to.

You can decide whether you want to have sex and with whom when you are sober. Additionally, it implies that you will be better able to refuse someone’s advances for sex.

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